BEST 1400 x400

Claim for Business Travel

Business Travel Claims Process

Each claim is different, let us guide you through your claim:
Applicable to Business Easy Smart Travel and EasyCare


File your claim

  • Complete and sign the Claim Form - Travel Insurance with supporting documents to filing a travel claim
  • For emergency assistance overseas, please call 24-hour Emergency Assistance Hotline (852) 2164 9898

All medical reports, information and evidences as required by us shall be furnished at Claimant's own expenses. 

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Send us your claim

Please send the Claim Form - Travel Insurance with supporting documents to us by mail, email or fax.

Travel claims must be reported to Liberty within 30 days from the date of accident


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Process your claim

Upon receiving all supporting documents, Liberty will process your claim within 10 working days.

Incomplete claim form cannot be accepted for processing of claim.

Further information may be needed.


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Receive your claim amount

Reimbursement will be settled by cheuqe to the Policyholder. Notification of payment will be issued for your reference

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Your top questions, answered

  1. When should I make a claim?

  2. What are the required documents to make a claim?

  3. What methods can I submit a claim?

  4. Are photocopies of my original receipts/invoices acceptable for the purpose of processing my claim?

  5. I suffer from pre-existing medical conditions. Can I claim for related medical expenses incurred during the study trip?

  6. What should I do if I lose my personal belongings, money or travel documents in the course of my study trip?

  7. If I am pregnant, am I covered for any medical treatment incurred overseas?

  8. Does this insurance cover follow-up medical expenses after return to Hong Kong?